I’m Gonna Try Urban Gardening!

So, like most artists from a small town, I’m about to move on to a place with more action. Unlike most artists, I don’t want to live in a city, which sounds counter intuitive, but I’ll explain.

I took a trip with my college choir to NYC and we all had a blast. We also were not used to the polluted air, so half of us were hacking moments before performing in the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine. Nothing divine about that . I loved the city outside of that, it was what I was craving: diversity, enough stimulation for a zealous extrovert, a thriving art scene, etc etc. But, with all honesty, I’d never live there unless it was changed. So now I’m looking for cities with a more outdoorsy feel, but I still want to go all the way with my move.

I’m looking to change my lifestyle completely, escape sleeping in past the point of no energy,  STOP eating anything that comes in plastic (I admit my short comings, I haven’t gotten rid of it yet), developing a consistently healthier mindset, doing work that fits my vision and moral standards… I could go on, but I won’t because I instead want to mention what everyone has at their disposal: Imagination. With that priceless tool, we can overcome any obstacle. Let’s take one of my current moving obstacles: I want to eat healthy for myself and the planet. Locally sourced, organic, beautiful food is a great way to get the mind headed in the right direction, but let’s take that a step further. What about growing our own?

“Urban gardening” is a great way of bringing fresh a lot faster and a lot fresher. Who wouldn’t want fresh cilantro for their guacamole? It’s perfect! That and the emissions from our lousy auto beasts will be eaten up by our food while giving you more nutrients at a fraction of the cost it would take to drive that beast on a 45 minute round trip to a grocery store for sub par greenery.


I’m going to leave some inspiration here from TedX speaker and guerrilla gardener Ron Finley, who selflessly created a street side garden in his neighborhood and kept on until he created The Ron Finley Project

Tell me about your gardens! And if you have a great place in mind for an artist who wants to connect with more people in a green environment, let me know, and I’ll totally give you a hug if we meet.




Start Your Own Adventure: Travel!!!!

My entire life I dreamed of seeing and changing the entire planet, but at the age of 21 I realized that I had done nothing to achieve it. I had worked on my music degree and I had cultivated different talents, but I didn’t have the resources to go on a grand adventure like I had always wanted. Or so I thought.  Money had always been an annoying speed bump for me. I was always forced to live paycheck to paycheck at a mediocre job, and wasn’t sure how to break the loop.

One day by accident I came across a site that listed job opening for national parks. I saw openings for jobs ranging from Housekeeping at Yellowstone National Park, to giving sled dog tours in Denali, Alaska!  I thought, “Eh what the hell, can’t hurt”.  A week later, I was an employee at Yellowstone National Park.

        The Greyhound was terrible. The destination: Worth it.

        When I got there, I saw more and did more than I had in my entire life. I hiked from dawn to dusk, up mountains and across plains, and completely transformed my body along the way. I met people from all over the world who became close friends. A ridiculous Romanian who only ever referred to me as “Joker”. A Russian gal who was stern at work, but hilarious after 6-12 beers. A fellow from Virginia who was one of the best hiking partners I could ask for.

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes


Today I wanted to tell you a bit of my story, and list some of the ways that you could start your own travel adventure. Rather than working at an hourly job and waiting for the agonizing shift to end, go out and see the world. Here are a few of the ways that can help you take that first step:

  1. The website that I stumbled upon that started my adventure: http://www.coolworks.com/. You can find a job in a field that you are interested in, or you can try something new, like giving tours on sled dogs or becoming a hiking guide.Hell, a friend of mine get’s paid good money to Ski. O.o 
  2. Get involved with organizations that interest you, but may not be close by. Internships or volunteer opportunities are available in many places, and it can put your foot in the door whatever field or passion that you want to be involved in.
  3. http://www.adventurework.co.uk/ is a great place to look for jobs for people who are active and want to be a paid instructor in activity that they love. From rafting, hiking, mountain climbing, ect. The list is goes on. Shake up the monotonous routine by doing something that makes you smile.



Those three options can help you begin your journey, but if these didn’t seem right for you, there are plenty more opportunities out there. Blaze and Me are happy to help all our Wild Knights find a path to the greatest adventures of all!  Let us know if you have any questions, comments, or anything! If you need, I’d be happy to even be a work reference!

Farewell for now, Wild Knights. We are in this together! ♥
