Film Extra’s FYI: My Personal Experience as a Sheep.


Predominantly, I’d say my experience on and off the set could be split into two main components: sweat and the patience everyone knows I don’t actually have. Originally, I told my dad it was split 50/50 between the two, but let’s be realistic: it’s a slippery slope when you’re standing in line outside location for 45 minutes with 6 changes of clothes and a backpack in a 100 degree parking lot. 60/40 in favor of midsummer sweat. It’s a marvel the lady telling us to get in line didn’t lose her heavily contoured face to the concrete, but she was saved when the 49 other sheep and I were herded inside by a man pretending to be a collie who didn’t want to actually get close enough to nip slick sheep hoof to put us back in line for fear of getting in contact with our sweaty bodies.

Inside we came and out rolled the cameras only moments after as if any of us looked like we wanted to be filmed… When anyone with a colorful shirt has discolored sweat pits and the lady from Texas in front of me has a drenched white tee shirt that does nothing to hide her black sports bra, you know you’re working a classy Hollywood operation, let me tell you. So all of us wet wooled cattle started strolling in time for the cameras to record Burt Reynolds over yonder booking his flight, but than there was MORE herding. They told you when to go to make it look “natural” when clearly we are ALL spaced out almost exactly five feet apart as we walk across the shot. This is how I and several others made our grand debut in a feature film as “Blury, out of focus “LA” guy/girl”. What can I say? It was a lucky break!

So let me tell you straight ladies and gents…. If you aren’t with SAG, it may be an interesting experience at least once… but seriously, just get with SAG (like I should have) so you can at least get paid to spend 8 hours hoping to get at least 2 seconds of screen time strutting your disheveled wool for all the world to see. You’ll thank me if you do it often enough.

With love and some wool I pulled out of my scruffy fur,






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