Musical Rant.

Honesty necessitates an answer, so here goes nothing: My musical rant.

I improvised on the piano by means of talking to you this week because, sometimes, words can’t come anywhere close to what’s really feeling like.

Do you ever feel like that?


2 thoughts on “Musical Rant.

  1. I agree, it is difficult to put your emotions in words. After listening, I was not sure how to put my emotions into words but I do know I felt something. Music is sometimes a purer expression of our emotions than words are. Loved the glissando near the end.


    • Thank you for the kind words, the listen, and the empathy.

      Generally, this is the most chaotic my music gets. I usually care more about being “relatable” with my music and forget sometimes the best way to be relatable is to be completely, irrevocably, and sometimes embarrassingly open.

      Much love,


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