Wild Knights

“…I started to create art because I wanted to make my imagination real. I wanted to find a way to be at home in myself.”

-Laura Hollick

     From a very young age, I wanted to be an embodiment of my imagination. I wanted to be strong, dashing, handsome and able to lift boulders and move mountains. Who wouldn’t want to be the very best version of themselves? Fantastical, full of character, dynamite?  I craved the ability to create myself, but I had no idea how. For years I’ve searched for answers in science and artistic creation all in an attempt to find the overlap into my own world. Now I know it is possible to not only create an inspired form of ourselves, but to do so with no compromise.  Maybe even more importantly, I learned that this process has an effect on the world all around us.

     No matter who you are or what you do, you matter more than you realize. The act of existing and being your quirky, remarkable self is just what we all need. It’s easy sometimes to underestimate any one person, but, realistically, you never know who’s growing up to be the next super villain. You could be a champion the likes of which the world has never seen, but only if you embrace all your deepest wishes and stick to your course no matter what ruffian decides to give you a tough time!

     From personal experience, I can honestly say that my stubborn nature has served me well. I’m building a career full of music, art, theatre, adventure, and love because I wouldn’t settle for less. Starting with nothing but your dreams and deepest desires is truly a wondrous globe-trot, and I wouldn’t trade my experience for the most privileged of beginnings because they don’t have the same magic and meaning for me.

What sets your heart on fire and makes your tail wag? What brings out your wild side?


     Quite different from my friend above, I took a lot longer to discover what I wanted in life. I spent my childhood mainly on my own, playing video games and reading hundreds of books, never really pursuing any skills or cultivating any talents (though arguably, I’m quite good at said video games 😀 ).  
In high school my life changed. After being “coerced” into taking a choir class by my best friend (who you just met above), I discovered myself. I found out that I was actually good at this singing business, and that performing music made me happy, and gave me a feeling that I had never experienced before. My shyness melted away, my awkwardness gave way to real social skills and charisma, and for once I felt like I was doing something just because I wanted to.

    Music and theatre became my passions. I practiced and practiced until now I can finally say i’m a professional at what I love. More than that though, I found a passion in improving myself. I saw that limits seemed to always be self imposed, and when disregarded you could do anything. I took my overweight body and unhealthy lifestyle, something I’ve struggled with all my life, and completely transformed it. I took a fear of failure and turned into a promise to NEVER give up, no matter what. I took years of antisocial behavior and fear, and turned it into friendships and bonds that will last forever.   

  I believe with all my heart that every single person has within them the power and will to become the best of themselves. Why settle for less? Love yourself for who you are AND what you are capable of.  Think of how many children have said they wanted to become astronauts. Did they stop because they lost interest in the stars and exploring space, or did they stop because they believed it was impossible? 

     I want to change the world for the better. Dreamers should be encouraged to chase what was once deemed impossible. All generations of people should be able to pursue their passions, living their lives to the fullest with a heart full of love. Every life is a universe, in both importance and possibilities.

Creating a world from the changing palette of personalities and imaginations is a high honor for the noble wild animals that live in this world together. We will transform this blue beauty of a planet into a place of magic and wonder. We will shoot for the stars and say to ourselves, “why stop there? Let’s go further.” So here is to the future. A future of evolution, magic, dreams, and Wild Knights.   😉