My Simple Truths

Hello Wild Knights!  I’m sorry for being away for a few weeks, I’ve needed time to work on things and a break was much appreciated. I have a lot of blog posts planned out for the next couple weeks, but I wanted to do something a bit different today. A lot of craziness has happened in the world recently. People are angry, hurting, and the healing process is being stalled because it seems like everyone is playing the blame game.

Guns, Obama, police officers, ect. What good does it do to blame someone? By calling someone guilty, does it absolve you of the responsibility to fix it? This is not meant to call anyone out, I just want to pose the question to ponder. The rest of the world is not against you. So many people have the potential to be great. From sharing food with someone who needs it, to protecting those who can’t protect themselves.

I want so badly to be able to talk about these things, and how to fix them. To reach out across both sides of a fence and embrace everyone.  I cry sometimes to keep myself from exploding, because I hear about or see people that I wish I could save.  I promise here and now, I will make this world a better place. I’ll use everything I have and everything I am, and someday with my fellow Wild Knights, the world will be changed forever.

I’m going to list a few things that cause more than a few debates. I want to list my thoughts on them, and hopefully explain why I believe what I do. We don’t all agree and that is just fine, but I hope you will give my thoughts a chance.

  1. Since it is what’s foremost on my mind at the moment;   Black Lives Matter. White Lives Matter. Blue Lives Matter. Animal Lives Matter.  The list goes on. There is no species on this planet that doesn’t matter, except perhaps mosquitoes.   Some trigger happy cops does not make every law enforcement officer a gun happy lunatic who shoots black people. Bad apples in the bunch, like all groups, but I guarantee that most police officers would protect you if you needed it. Police brutality must be nipped in the bud of course, but attacking police officers at protests only paints you as the villain of this story. You are not alone. Ask for help and we will answer. Resorting to violence is not the answer to a violent problem.


2.  Don’t see enemies where there are none.   If a protester hits a cop with a brick, it doesn’t mean suddenly all protester are rioters and treated like they are dangerous.  If a teen breaks into your house,  it doesn’t mean they are all hooligans that steal and tramp over your manicured lawn.   Republican, Democrat, Tomato, Tomahto. If you are basing your views on what your party is “supposed” to believe, then you are doing it wrong.  Don’t be sheep. Always think for yourself and do what you know to be right.  


3.   Don’t waste your life on negative emotions. Pay attention to your own thoughts and actions during the day. Do you think mainly positive or negative? Gee works sucks today. This food is terrible. He is annoying. ect.  These thoughts do not serve you well. They paint the walls of your mind black with negative thoughts and make your day negative as well. Are you healthy? Do you have people who love you? Did you have to fight for your food today? Every moment and every breath is a precious thing. Treasure them.


4. Inaction. Apathy. Numb.  If there is a serious problem in this world, it MUST be addressed. You may think you don’t have to power to change it, but you are wrong. Take that first step. Call it out. Write to those in charge. March. Protest. Change the world, don’t accept it for what it is, dream of what it could be.   For example;  Too many people are in jail or prison for obscene sentences. 15+ years for a drug possession crime?!?!?!  Stupid teens who hang with the wrong crowd, getting years of their adulthood taken and wasted in a cell???   Waste. These people rotting in jail could be helped and put towards bettering our society. Give educations so they can do things that they never imagined. These ridiculously overblown sentences have become commonplace. People make mistakes. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. A mistake should not cost you your future.


That’s it for my emotional rant of the evening. I hope I was able to convey how I feel in a relatable way.  I love each and every one of you. I will be here for you through thick and thin, and whatever storm blows our way. We will be the warriors, artists, scientists, and teachers, standing on the edge of oblivion and holding our ground. We are Wild Knights and we are going to save the world.





Tell us what you think!